The summit has changed. It is something else now.
For many years, it followed a consistent pattern: Presenting original ideas from well-known figures, delivered by experts in their respective fields, and focusing on proven methods.
However, this changed starting from last year. MCT HR Summits will be divided into two eras, before and after 2022.
The new HR Summit resembles an HR Woodstock of sorts. It’s a virtual platform open to all, with no limitations on the number of speakers and sessions, where a wide range of life-related topics are discussed. It’s a space that promotes diversity and inclusivity.
The theme is highly relevant to today: “Force Majeure,” exploring our responses to life’s challenges and the advancements we embrace or grapple with in this era. HR is adapting to all that’s new.
Perhaps you could be one of the speakers.
Group Participant
Valid for 5 people and above.
Summit Participant
Summit Business Partnership
Even though I couldn’t join the live broadcasts in real-time, I eagerly watched and listened to the broadcast replays after each shift, much like enjoying my favorite movie. I absorbed the content while tuning in, and I gained valuable knowledge ✨✨ Health to the hearts of everyone who contributed, thank you very much
I wanted to inform you that I had the privilege of tracking this summit through the app. Therefore, I extend my heartfelt thanks.
I am delighted to have attended the 27th Human Resources Summit with five eventful days, numerous esteemed speakers, and up-to-date content. Thank you, Human Resources Summit! #bravenewworld
I want to express my gratitude to Management Centre Turkey (MCT) for their gracious invitation and for the summit’s evolving content, which consistently centers on people each year.
Such wonderful sessions that left delightful impressions on our senses!
Today was an exceptionally productive and enriching day, with topics and speakers complementing each other seamlessly. I extend my gratitude to all those who contributed, particularly the MCT Team…