
The summit has changed. It is something else now.

For many years, it followed a consistent pattern: Presenting original ideas from well-known figures, delivered by experts in their respective fields, and focusing on proven methods.

However, this changed starting from last year. MCT HR Summits will be divided into two eras, before and after 2022.

The new HR Summit resembles an HR Woodstock of sorts. It’s a virtual platform open to all, with no limitations on the number of speakers and sessions, where a wide range of life-related topics are discussed. It’s a space that promotes diversity and inclusivity.

The theme is highly relevant to today: “Force Majeure,” exploring our responses to life’s challenges and the advancements we embrace or grapple with in this era. HR is adapting to all that’s new.

Perhaps you could be one of the speakers.


Follow the Latest Developments

Meet speakers who make a difference globally and in Turkey

Brand Promotion

Possibility of self-promotion, one-to-one live communication and interaction with visitors in the digital stand area

Seize New Business Opportunities

Opportunity to create new collaborations thanks to the opportunity to connect digitally”


Explanatory glossary on HR. New HR terminology. New concepts of HR with dictionary logic.
A perspective on life as seen from the vantage point of CEOs. The aspects of the CEO agenda that pertain to all individuals. The impact of CEOs on our workplace…
Advancements in HR technology. The digital realm of HR. Transformation of HR interfaces and procedures through software technology.
The customization of HR practices by Chief HR Officers (CHROs). Perspectives, attitudes, and strategies at the pinnacle of HR management. Various CHRO approaches, including distinctions in leadership styles.
The legal expertise that HR professionals must be familiar with in their daily routines. The intersection between HR and the legal field. This segment can also be referred to as…
Pragmatic information for HR professionals. Without theorising, simple, functional. In the logic of a conversation; understandable, immediately applicable, tried, effective, useful.
An alternative name for this chapter would be “understanding and living with talent”. A deep analysis of everything to do with talent.
A holistic view of expected behaviours in work environments: We can’t do at work what we don’t do in our private life. Analytics of personal development and methodology in organisations.
The foundational knowledge required for comprehending a subject. Strengthening fundamental knowledge through novel terminology. The underpinning for numerous activities in the present day.


Takip Et

Ahmet Eryılmaz

Management Centre Türkiye
Zirve Küratörü & Danışman
Takip Et

Ahmet Öztan

Gravia Danışmanlık
Uzman Psikolog MSc.
Takip Et

Ahmet Türkoğlu

Genel Müdür
Takip Et

Alev Patlak

IBS Sigorta ve Reasürans Brokerliği
İnsan Kaynakları Başkanı
Takip Et

Ali Kamil Uzun

Meslek İnsanı, Sivil Toplum Gönüllüsü, Karikatürist
Takip Et

Alp E. Aksudoğan

Consultista Finans ve Yönetim Danışmanlığı
Kurucu Ortak
Takip Et

Alper Utku

Management Centre Türkiye
Kurucu, Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Takip Et

Alper Yüce

BAT Türkiye
Bulgaristan & Kuzey Kıbrıs Genel Müdürü
Takip Et

Alperen Adikti

Kurucu Ortağı & CEO
Takip Et

Arda Helvacılar

Sertifier Inc.


Group Participant


Valid for 5 people and above.

Live Streaming and Post-Event Access to All Sessions Powerful Networking
Powerful Networking
Digital Certificate of Attendance
25% Discount for MCT Global Partners’ Events
Digital Certificate of Participation”

Summit Participant

Live Streaming and Post-Event Access to All Sessions Powerful Networking
Powerful Networking
Digital Certificate of Attendance
25% Discount for MCT Global Partners’ Events
Digital Certificate of Participation”

Summit Business Partnership

1 session on the Main Stage (10 min)
VIP Invitation for 30 People to the Summit
Smart Networking Platform
Analytical Participant Reporting
Sending newsletters for product service promotion after the event


Main Sponsors

Official Sponsors

Session Sponsors

Business Partners

Global Business Partners

STK Business Partners
